Microfrontend . Jul 2024

Microservices for the Frontend Application

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Microservices architecture is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of small, independent services. Each service focuses on a specific functionality or feature and can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently. This approach allows for greater flexibility, modularity, and scalability in the application.

A team is cross-functional and develops end-to-end features, from the user interface to the database. It is a more friendly and less bulky one. This type of its architecture split the entire application by business domain across the entire stack. This enables front-end teams the same level of flexibility, test ability, and velocity that backend teams get from Microservices.

What are the Benefits of Micro Frontend
Micro Frontend architecture offers several benefits
  • Independent Development: Teams can work autonomously and in parallel, improving agility.
  • Scalability: Both teams and codebases can be scaled more easily.
  • Technology Flexibility: Teams can use different technologies for different parts of the application.
  • Maintainability: Smaller, isolated codebases are easier to manage and refactor.
  • Independent Deployment: Faster, risk-reduced deployments and updates.
  • Resilience: Fault isolation prevents cascading failures.
  • Improved UX: Optimizations can be made individually while maintaining consistency.
  • Legacy Integration: Easier migration from legacy systems.
  • Organizational Benefits: Enhanced collaboration and quicker onboarding
Why Micro Frontend is important

When we are working on big and distributed web applications, it makes sense to build a microservice-based architecture. Using this type of architecture, the monolith team gets split to separate independent teams, which helps improve scalability, code complexity, etc., as each team works on a specific feature of the application separately.

The same concept applies to the front-end architecture, and the it will be part of the same individual team that builds the microservice backend. So, each team will own a unique business component and develop it end to end, starting from the user interface to the database layer.

Micro Frontend is important because it enables:
  • Technology Agnostic: Its architecture gives flexibility to the individual teams to choose the tech stack for their microservice, which improves and makes the development cycle fast with enhanced features.
  • Faster and Isolated Development and Deployment: The development process also highly improves by adopting its architecture. As with this architecture, we can have smaller independent teams that work on different features, and the development and deployment process becomes faster.
  • Individual Testing and Less Regression Issues: With isolated teams on the front end, the development, testing and deployment cycles become smoother and help build resilient applications.
  • Maintainability: The monolithic applications are bound to become large and, hence, harder to maintain. It is built on smaller parts help maintainability through the divide and conquer approach. This ensures easily testable smaller features, and the overall time for testing is reduced.
  • Scalability: With the modular and decoupled micro frontends architecture, we can scale up an application to multiple teams as a new frontend element or changes to the existing frontend would not affect the rest of the frontend and other team's work. So this allows a team with different backgrounds and skills to choose the tech stack for their microservice accordingly and focus on continuous growth.
How Micro Frontend Works

Micro frontends are an architectural style where a frontend application is divided into smaller, independently deployable units. Each unit is developed, tested, and deployed independently, but they work together to form a cohesive user interface. This approach is analogous to the microservices architecture in backend development. Here’s a detailed explanation of how micro frontends work.

Key Concepts
  • Independent Development and Deployment: Each micro frontend is developed, tested, and deployed independently.
  • Isolation and Encapsulation: Micro frontends encapsulate their own logic and state, minimizing dependencies on shared resources.
  • Technology Agnostic: Different micro frontends can use different frameworks or technologies (e.g., React, Angular, Vue).
  • Composition: They are composed together into a single application, often managed by a shell or container application.
  • Routing: A central routing system delegates route handling to the appropriate micro frontend.
  • Communication: Minimal and well-defined communication between micro frontends, typically through APIs or events.
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