Devops . June 2024

Azure Devops-Automated Application deployment with EC2 as the pipeline trigger via Terraform.

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Terraform Part

We are using Terraform to deploy an EC2 server on AWS. During this deployment, we supply several parameters to configure the server and integrate it with other components of our infrastructure and deployment pipeline. Here's a brief elaboration on each of the parameters mentioned:

  • Deployment Group Name

    The deployment group name is a logical grouping of EC2 instances within the deployment group. By specifying the deployment group name, we ensure that the created EC2 instance is added to the appropriate group, making it easier to identify the instances in which the application stack needs to be deployed into.

  • Tags

    Tags are key-value pairs that we can assign to our EC2 instances. By specifying tags in our Terraform configuration, we can categorize and identify our instances based on specific criteria, such as environment, application, or purpose. The tagging happens both in AWS and in Azure DevOps which helps in deployment of the application stack to the right EC2 instance.

  • Release Name

    The release name is a unique identifier for a specific version or iteration of our application. By including the release name in our Terraform configuration, we can easily track which version of the application is deployed on the EC2 instance. A release name will be configured to the terraform input variables by default and the user who makes the deployment will be able to supply any new release name according to the requirements.

  • Azure DevOps Project Name

    The usage of Azure DevOps project name with this terraform configuration allows us to bring the instance under the Azure DevOps project that we build/test/deploy our applications.

  • Pipeline Name

    The pipeline name refers to the specific CI/CD pipeline in Azure DevOps that will be triggered for the deployment of our application on the EC2 instance. By including the pipeline name in our Terraform configuration, we can automate the deployment process and ensure that the necessary build and deployment steps are executed.

  • Personal Access Token (PAT)

    A Personal Access Token (PAT) is a secure authentication method used to access Azure DevOps resources programmatically. By including the PAT in our Terraform configuration, we can authenticate with Azure DevOps and perform actions such as triggering pipelines, updating deployment status or updating deployment groups/targets.

  • Azure DevOps Base API URL

    The Azure DevOps Base API URL is the endpoint used to interact with the Azure DevOps REST API. By specifying this URL in our Terraform configuration, we can make API calls to Azure DevOps to perform various operations, such as triggering pipelines or updating deployment status.

    By using Terraform and supplying these parameters, we ensure that our configuration is flexible and adaptable. It allows us to control the deployment process without hardcoding values, making it easier to maintain and update our infrastructure as needed.

Azure DevOps Part

For our customers we have provided an automation solution for Application deployment from Azure deveops, By automating the triggering of Azure pipelines on AWS EC2 instances, we eliminate manual intervention and reduce the risk of human error. Our PowerShell script acts as the catalyst, seamlessly integrating the two cloud ecosystems and streamlining the deployment process. The PowerShell script provided offers a comprehensive solution for triggering builds and deploying releases in Azure DevOps. It covers essential steps like finding the project ID, pipeline ID, and definition ID as well as triggering a release using the API link in Azure devops.

Work Flow
  • Finding Project, Pipeline, and Definition IDs: The script facilitates the identification of crucial IDs required for initiating the deployment process.

  • Release Details : Finding all the Release details to trigger the release

  • Triggering a Release: By leveraging the script, releases can be triggered seamlessly, initiating the deployment workflow.

Conclusion About Powershell automation

Automation is the cornerstone of modern software development practices, enabling teams to deploy applications swiftly and reliably. By harnessing the power of PowerShell scripts and leveraging EC2 instances as triggers, organizations can streamline their deployment workflows Without the manual intrusion and focus on delivering value to end-users. By following this structured approach, your blog post will provide a comprehensive guide on automating app deployment with EC2 as the pipeline trigger, catering to readers interested in enhancing their deployment processes.

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